I just found this challenge at Genea-Musings. This post will be Part 4; questions 16-20 and will catch up later.16) If you’re into DNA which would you say you work on more? Genealogy or DNA? Or about the same?
No question - it is genealogy. I found that I was spending a lot of time on DNA matches that seem to only produce information I already have or that was readily available through normal research and those oh so fun jaunts to libraries, courthouses etc.
I check my new matches everyday but rarely have any that aren't 'distant' and most don't have trees yet.
17) Do you think that your genealogy is ever really done?
No, with a brickwall that only includes a first name and approximate age for my 2x paternal great grandmother, it is definitely ongoing.
18) Did you ever search an ancestor’s name on the internet and you were surprised at what you found?
Yes. There is that 2nd cousin 2x removed that J. Edgar Hoover interupted his dinner in D.C. to travel to Tulsa in order to personally arrest 'Harry'.
19) Do you ever feel like your ancestors are nudging you in the right direction in your research?
No. My prayer is that they are in Paradise and it wouldn't be paradise if they could still see this mess we live in.
20) If you could give one piece of advice to someone new to genealogy, what would you tell them?
Create a filing system, either hard copy or online, from your very first find. You will thank yourself a hundred times over in the future.
There are lots of tutorials and groups to get you started. Like FB Group - The Organized Genealogist or How to Organize Family Tree Research Part 1