Saturday, October 21, 2017

Just One More

This letter from Grandpa Will was tucked in with a stack of Christmas cards.
He wrote it after returning from his trip to Oregon following Aunt Maggie's death.
My Dad and Grandpa Will took a Greyhound bus to Oregon earlier in 1947 (can you imagine?), I believe Grandpa made the second trip by train.

(click the pic to enlarge)
(letter transcribed below)
A new granddaughter, Vivian Ruth.

Butler, Pa
Aug 27 1947
Dear Brother Babe
I arrived home OK on the 15th. The folks were very much disappointed when you didn't come with me and hope you decide to come soon.
Ruth was back in the hospital when I got home. She has a baby girl. Is back home now, doing fine.
Ralph is going to be married next month. Bob is starting his house; has the walls up. So I am going to help him build it. 
We want to build three this Fall. One for Bob, one for Ralph and one for James.
We are well as usual. Hope this finds you well.
Will close for for this time hoping to hear from you soon and hope you decide to come soon.
With Love and regards from all