Monday, October 9, 2017

Jim Touches Base

It would seem by the content of Margaret Sander's letter and this one, that Uncle 'Babe' had been a hit with Belle's kid's.

(transcribed below)

Sounds like baby Ginny was special to her big brother.

Love the part about the airplane. 
And it seems the Circus continued 
to be a big draw for the Barnetts.

Butler, Pa.
R.D. #7
Februrary 27, 1930
Dear Uncle Babe

How are you I am well and hope you are the same. We sent you a Christmas card and you never got it. It came back and they said it wasn't known in Walla Walla Washington but we sent it to Walla Walla Oregon and it came back so we looked on the map and we had it spelled wrong. 

I have a little sister her name is Virginia May Barnett. She is three years old and she is very cute. When are you coming to out place? 

We still live in the same place as we lived when you were here last time and my oldest brother William is married. His wife's name was Marion E. Watt. I just wanted to write a few lines to see i you still were living. The next time you come you will see the difference we made in our farm. 

Do you ever here from the Barnetts in Virginia. We never here. We don't know if they are all Dead or what. We sent Aunt Molly and Aunt Cora a Christmas card and it never came back and they never answered. We don't know if they got it or not. 

Every time we see an air plane we think it is you because you said you would come in an airplane. There is an airport where we went across to go to the circus when you were here so you can come in an airplane.

I don't have much to say so I will close with love to you and love from all.                                                      James A. Barnett