Sunday, June 4, 2017

How Far is Far?

Joining Randy for Saturday Night Genealogy Fun here

"For this week's mission (should you decide to accept it), I challenge you to:

1)  The Family History Hound listed 20 Questions about your Ancestor, and I'm going to use some of them in the next few months.  

2)  Please answer the first question - "Which ancestor moved the farthest from their home?"

3)  Write your own blog post, make a comment on this post, or post  your answer on Facebook or Google+.  Please leave a link to your answer in comments on this post."
---Genea Musings

Two ancestors came immediately to mind and the winner is my sixth great grandfather, Hans Teunise Covert.
Heemstedt, Netherlands to New Amsterdam in 1653.
Approximately 3,681 miles

1671NewAmsterdam,New York NETHERLANADS 1

He was in running with my great aunt, Margaret Davis 'Maggie' Barnett who homesteaded from Riner, Virginia to Wallowa, Oregon in 1909.
Approximately 2,486 miles
Barnett - Oregon Home #1 Margaret 'Maggie' Davis Barnett